HomePrivacy policy

Privacy policy


Hotel Jupiter B.V. (after this Hotel Jupiter) processes personal data for the purpose of carrying out your reservation.

Without your name, adress, residence, e-mail adress and creditcard details is it not possible to make a reservation at Jupiter Hotel. Therefore, these fields are considered mandatory when you make an online reservation.

Besides that, we process personal data because of the obligation to do so pursuant to article 438 of the penal code, obligation to keep a night register on the basis of which you must provide us with a valid travel document or proof of identity for inspection, and the legal obligation to create an invoices.

Furthermore, we process personal data to ask feedback about your stay in the hotel afterwards however, only if you have given permission for this.


Provision to third parties

We do not provide your personal data to third parties unless this has a legal basis or you have given us permission or in connection with a (collection) procedure. 


Security of personal data

all persons who process your personal data on behalf of the Hotel Jupiter have an obligation of secrecy, and are informed about the importance of the protection of personal data.

You can make a reservation via various online travel agencies for instance,  Booking.com, Hotelbeds, Lastminute and Expedia. They send you personal data via an encrypted and secure connection.


Retention period of personal data

Hotel Jupiter does not store your personal data longer than is necessary for the purpose of the processing. These are the terms set by the Dutch legislature. This is seven years for invoices and financial administration

The security footage captured by the security cameras will be destroyed at the latest after 7 days, unless criminal law elements are involved, as long as the investigation is ongoing and / or progress by the competent authority.